Visualization to Manifest Your Best Life

It's possible to manifest your best life through visualization. You can attract a new career that aligns with your Ikigai, have connected relationships, and even the home you want. All possibilities in the quantum field exist in the present moment as electromagnetic potentials. Where attention goes, energy flows. By aligning our intentions and emotions, we create new energy inside ourselves that is the same frequency as the future we want to attract. 

Clear intentions + Emotion = New Energy. 


The first step in attracting the change in your life is setting clear intentions. Let's use the example that you want to lose weight. What are your reasons for making this change in your life? Write down a list of specific intentions around the future outcome: 

  • I will have more energy

  • Ability to have an active lifestyle

  • Run a 5k with my kids

  • Learn to surf


The next step is to list out the feelings you will have once you reach the goal. When it comes to creating lasting change, intentions are our why, and emotions are energy in motion. Concentrate on the feelings your future self will have:

  • Confidence

  • Pride

  • Self-love

  • Connection

Paint a Picture

Now it's time to see yourself in the future state. Close your eyes and create a vivid vision of what this looks like in as much detail as possible. The more specific, the better when it comes to manifesting your future self. If you struggle with creating a clear picture in your mind's eye, make a physical vision board with images representing what you are manifesting.

Do the Work

Here is an essential piece of the puzzle we can't leave out. You have to do the hard work. This process is not about wishing upon a star that one you will win the lottery. Luck occurs when preparedness meets opportunity. I believe we can all manifest our dream life, but incredible outcomes require hard work. If knowledge equaled results, we would all have six-pack abs. It's no secret that a nutritious diet coupled with regular exercise is how our body stays fit, but if you don't do the work, the knowledge is meaningless.   

Every one of us has boundless potential inside us wasn't to be tapped. 

Train the body to follow your mind to an intentional future.


Write a Letter


Daily Intentions