Building Momentum with Small Wins

Momentum is a game-changer not only in sports but in life. We have seen how momentum can shift from one team to another throughout a game or playoff series. This unseen edge can be the difference between success or failure. A big play or home-field advantage undoubtedly impacts momentum in sport. You can intentionally create that same invisible force to help carry you past adversity each day. 

The first step is the hardest

Building momentum isn't easy, and the first step is truly the hardest. Think about it pushing a car that's run out of gas. It takes the most energy to get the car moving. As soon as it starts to roll, it becomes easier to go faster with less effort. The same is true in life. The most challenging moment is getting started. Once you start moving and build some momentum, nothing can stop you.

Start with something small

With the knowledge that the hardest part is just starting, set yourself up with a small win to start your day. The simplest way to do this is by making your bed every morning. It's a small task that you can do every day to start building momentum. Some people like to wake up before the sunrise or go to the gym first thing in the morning. These rituals help with small wins that compound throughout the day. 

Compound effect

Good choices will compound themselves building momentum mentally throughout the day. If you chose to wake early, fighting the urge to hit snooze and crawl back into the covers, you have started. Remember the car that ran out of gas and how much harder it is to get the car to begin to roll? Getting out of bed is the first rotation of tires as you push. Once you are up and going, the next choice is more comfortable. It could be eating something healthy, working out, or having a glass of water before your first coffee. All of those choices will come naturally to you as you build momentum and have a compounding effect on the rest of your decisions.

Sounds easy, right? It is that simple, and the fantastic thing is you can change now. No need to wait until January 1st or the start of next week. What choice can you make right now to start building your momentum? Did you make your bed this morning? 


Let’s Just Do It Now


Everyone wants to climb a mountain